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Medical corporation furate society
13-27, Sanjimatsuomachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka

The social welfare corporation furate welfare society
13-25, Sanjimatsuomachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka

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Medical care, nursing facility
Medical corporation furate society
The social welfare corporation furate welfare society
Non profit organization
Purpose of life creation cram school
Ken international

Nursing Department

Nursing Department idea

Patient with illness and an obstacle is respected and provides nursing, the care that was based on grounds so that there is the medical treatment life that is security, comfort, tranquility.

Chief of Nursing Department Rei Udo

The Nishino Hospital was engaged in a community medicine as a local basic hospital and valued the connection with local people.

It is the role of us in our hospital I snuggle up to patient and a family and fix my eyes on the life after the discharge, and to provide nursing, care while medical diversification, aging advances.

I work in double harness and work on other types of job while carrying a role of nursing, the care to have simply because it is a hospital coherent to the area, and each one becoming independent, and studying it every day so that high quality nursing service provides it.

Nurse D

・The reason in hope of Nishino Hospital is good environment

When I was introduced from a teacher of the nursing school and came to this hospital for the first time, I was fascinated with the environmental splendor that I did not think with the hospital and I thought, "I want to work at such a hospital!" and wanted to be you. In addition, it was the job at the first hospital, but there was little anxiety and was able to work as I worked while going to the school, and there was the senior of the school.

・The point that I value in working

I am working now in a rehabilitation ward for convalescence.

It is an inconvenient state that moves a pain and a body because of a bone fracture and cerebrovascular disorder, and a patient sending hospitalization life comes a lot here. The point that I value when I work in that is "a patient and the thing that I contact with with a smile when I am concerned even if how busy".

I am ordinary, but the speed of the recovery varies according to will, motivation of a patient in undergoing rehabilitation. It must be the environment that it is easy to spend for a patient even if there is little hospitalization life to raise the will. When I have time, I push the wheelchair of a patient and look at the flower while strolling in the veranda together and I look at a garden and plan communication. I am proud of oneself working delightfully at all at this hospital when a patient is a smile and says, "a flower does not seem to be beautiful ne - Hospital".

I want to still support it so that a patient recovers with environment of the Nishino Hospital and a smile of the staff even slightly early.


・The workplace environment that work-life balance is easy to take

I still have two small children.

I am pressed by work and housework and childcare, but our graduate school aims at the realization of the work-life balance and accepts the duty form that was correct in individual home environments every day. It seems to be cozy and can work happily every day while the staff who does the best while doing child care as well as me helping each other as I am a lot around, and sometimes talking.

In addition, I work in the fantastic environment that can come in contact with nature every day when I look at some outside when I was tired and calm mind so as not to think to be the hospital as nature is rich and take a walk through a courtyard with a child on a holiday.

Nurse I

・Reason in hope of Nishino Hospital

I moved in Yahatahigashi-ku and I was interested in our hospital which provided medical care coherent to the area and wanted to be you. I want to nurse patient the different immediate nature period later so far.

・My driving force is a word of "thank you"

I snuggle up with patient and value daily calling to undergo medical treatment in peace, and to be able to live. "Thank you", I think when I received a word from patient that it was good to do this work. Word becomes my driving force.


・The environment that is easy to act even when doing child care

I think that it is easy to work very much because everybody cooperates to work while doing child care, and to be over at most, the appointed hour and works. In addition, there is pre-Scepter system, and there is the environment that I can talk about.

Nurse S

The current work that is felt worth doing
It was a ward for the immediate nature period of the general hospital that worked before.
I lived with grandparents, and quantities of care gradually increased for advanced age. Because a care burden depends only on mother a lot of overtime work, originally of grandparents took it, and changed the job to the Nishino Hospital who was reckoning. It is the worthwhile job that is important to the relation with patient, again family, and rehabilitation or MSW cross a team with other medical care cooperation in the rehabilitation ward for convalescence, and supports a discharge at all.
・Moment to think that it was good to do the best
There were few relations with the family in the immediate nature period, too, and the cooperation with the rehabilitation staff was not more than enough either. In addition, I might not be concerned with discharge support. I come to the Nishino Hospital, and work contents change completely and are often puzzled still more, but think that I see the figure which a patient is discharged from with a smile that what I try hard was good.
・Everybody cooperates for a discharge
The rehabilitation ward cooperates with the rehabilitation staff toward improvement in ADL for convalescence and does environmental setting and discharge support. I open up conference many times because you must consider the hope of patient and family, and talks become important. It is job to feel the worth doing that the figure which patient who gets sick, and tried treatment hard is discharged from with a smile is made sure of.
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