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Medical corporation furate society
13-27, Sanjimatsuomachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka

The social welfare corporation furate welfare society
13-25, Sanjimatsuomachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka

Of the phone number to hang it wrong
Please be careful.

Medical care, nursing facility
Medical corporation furate society
The social welfare corporation furate welfare society
Non profit organization
Purpose of life creation cram school
Ken international

Idea of the care health center for the elderly ease

"We offer independence support and the joy of being alive based on the purpose of life structure"

Idea of the care health center for the elderly ease

"We offer independence support and the joy of being alive based on the purpose of life structure"

Idea of the care health center for the elderly ease

"We offer independence support and the joy of being alive based on the purpose of life structure"

Idea of the care health center for the elderly ease

"We offer independence support and the joy of being alive based on the purpose of life structure"

Idea of the care health center for the elderly ease

"We offer independence support and the joy of being alive based on the purpose of life structure"

Idea of peace

"I want to live in the house which lived so long with a family…It is the wish that "none thinks of. I will provide the care that I looked good with for the purpose of "an offer of the joy based on independence support and the making of purpose of life" for we care health center for the elderly ease individually to be able to live life in peace even if I have a defect.

What is a care health center for the elderly?

A condition is relatively in a plateau and needs medical care without need of the hospitalization, and it is difficult to support only with home health care, and the care health center for the elderly is a facility to undergo medical treatment while receiving service of nursing, care, the rehabilitation along the care plan.
Among the people who it is a person insured by Nursing Care Insurance Law that can use a care health center for the elderly, and received certification for long-term care, it is the that a condition is stable, and rehabilitation is needed in the need of nursing care degree 1-5 that is not necessary of the hospital care.

Summary of peace

[facilities name]Medical corporation furate society care health center for the elderly ease
[the location]〒805-0031 1-16-12, Tsukida, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
[capacity]Entrance: 90 (shoot 40 ridges specialized in dementia) tsusho: 60 daycare
[establishment]November, 1997
[building structure]Steel reinforced concrete construction, the second floor above the ground
TEL: 093-653-1112 FAX: 093-653-1120 
Charge: Support counselor/entrance: An authority of Akashi, boundary place: Murata
     Institutional care manager/Kogo 

Characteristic of the service

●I can receive a care service in a certain space homey atmosphere.

●It "is programed the ease club satisfying club activities. Of the lot enjoy it, and will offer much joy.

●I perform various events that I accepted in ease Festival, cherry tree festival, a summer festival, a luncheon party, the Star Festival, a recreational meeting for the aged, the season including the concert.

Guidance of each section

Guideline for prevention of elderly abuse

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